Teas for Weight Loss

We get asked ‘which teas are best for weight loss” all the time at Cuppa T. Drinking tea is definately a great way to help your body loose those unwanted pounds. Having a cup of tea daily will help with this journey but for the best result you still need to eat a healthy diet coupled with some sort of exercise to drop the weight. So which teas are know for their weight loss properties??? They are Green Tea, Oolongs, Matcha and Yerba Mate. Some even say black tea is also good but we have found that the green tea, oolongs and yerba mate seem to give customers better results.

So what is in all those teas that aid in shedding those unwanted pounds???? Firstly, they all contain caffeine or a stimulant which helps with boosting your metabolism. Secondly, they contain an antioxidant called catechin. This naturally occurring antioxidant can also aid in boosting your bodies metabolism and even increase the fat burning ability in your body by helping your body break down fats faster. So go ahead and enjoy a cup of tea with your meal. Thirdly, when you are enjoying a cup of tea you may not be so tempted to snack during the night time. Try enjoying a cup of flavoured tea instead of eating dessert or reaching for a snack. We joke around at Cuppa T and call those types of teas “dessert in a cup”.

Some of the staff’s favourite flavoured green teas are Bohemian Raspberry, Jasmine House Blend and Dream Dancer. These teas are great hot or you can make them into an iced tea. My favourite is making cold brews especially in the summer time. Have fun and add some club soda or fruit to your iced tea or enjoy your hot cup of tea in a favourite mug.

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