Tea Time

Its that time of year again. Pumpkin Spice Season!!!!! For all you pumpkin spice lovers we have three teas for you to enjoy. Our classice Pumpkin Spice black tea, Pumpkin Spice Chai for a little more spice and Sweet Pumkin Spice Rooibos for a caffeine free option.

Finding the perfect tea pot may take a little time and thought. There are so many things to consider before you buy the tea pot that best suites your needs and purpose. Some things that you need to consider is how much tea do you drink at one sitting? Do…

We get asked ‘which teas are best for weight loss” all the time at Cuppa T. Drinking tea is definately a great way to help your body loose those unwanted pounds. Having a cup of tea daily will help with this journey but for the best result you still need…

cold season tea Cuppa T Regina

Try a cup of our Cold Season Tea when you are feeling like you are coming down with a cold or when your allergies are bothersome. What makes this tea so popular are the soothing herbs of pepperment and eucalyptus. The menthol properties of them are known to help with…

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