Finding the perfect tea pot may take a little time and thought. There are so many things to consider before you buy the tea pot that best suites your needs and purpose. Some things that you need to consider is how much tea do you drink at one sitting? Do you usually have one or two cups of tea? Do you make enough for more than one person? Are you on a budget? Do you like your tea hot and to stay hot or do you like your tea a bit on the cooler side? Is a tea pot with a built in strainer a deal breaker? What type of built in strainer do you prefer? Once you narrow those down to what your needs and wants are, the hunt for that perfect tea pot begins.
Finding the correct size is usually an easy task especially if you shop at a store like Cuppa T or one that has a large variety of pots. If you like your tea really hot then stay away from glass pots as they tend to cool your tea down fairly fast. If weight isn’t an issue and you are interested in just one or two cups, cast iron pots are excellent. If that isn’t appealing then you may want to consider a tea cozy.
Some pots will say they have a built in strainer. Usually they mean they have large holes by the spout which will catch most of your tea leaves. If you hate having tea float around in your cup then you may want to invest in a pot with a mesh strainer that can be removed.
The other thing to look for is how heavy the pot is to lift. If you find it too heavy when you lift it in the store just think what it would feel like full of tea. If the pot you found meets all your requiment there is just one more important thing to consider. The shape of the spout as they do not all pour equal. Specialty shop will be able to guide you as to whether the spouts are excellent or whether they will drip a lot.